Digital Multi Channel locking system with Dedicated Code

The presented circuit is to be controlled, a code-based electronic locking the operation of the plurality of devices. The circuit uses a three decimal encoding for the operation of each device. Select so for each unique device code three-digit numbers 101 to 999. Although this circuit can be used to control up to 999 devices, for reasons of simplicity, the illustrated operation of only three units. Additional devices, if necessary, are provided through connector 10-pin in the circuit connected together. For the operation of each device is a device-specific method for the operation of the shift lever is activated by the device code. Code selection: By three push-to-on switches, conducted each assigned with a specific number the dialed number is displayed in three 7-segment displays for a short time. When selecting a device counter and exhibitors will be automatically restored. However the selection device will be held in engagement by the action of the relay, by means of a pair of its own contacts. A new selection is accompanied by a short musical note. Provision for manual reset counters and displays are also included.

Fig: 1

The circuit consists of a timer 555 (IC1) which is connected as an astable multivibrator with a duty cycle of 50 percent and a clock period of a second. The output of IC1 is used as a counter CD4033 decade cum clock display driver IC (IC2 of IC4) and Johnson-ring against IC CD4017 (IC5 by IC7). In fact, the clock signal is formed by more IC5 pair wise IC2, IC3 and IC4 IC6, IC7 plus more, pressing on the switch S1, S2 and S3 respectively routed. The three groups (each comprising a CD4033, CD4017 and a 7-digit) together independently with the reset pin 15 of the CD4017 CD4033 and integrated circuits. Start only with ring-Y0 integrated circuits (CD4017) is high, while all other outputs (Y1-Y9) are low. At this point, the output of all counters are also CD4033 account, and therefore the screen 000th.

When the first clock pulse reach to all rev CD2033 CD4017 peer applied to high yield Y0 Y1. At the same time the current number CD4033 peers from zero to one and the corresponding seven-segment displays 1 and Is moved for the second clock, high performance Y2, count the number of pairs is increased by one, and CD4033 shows the corresponding second sample The number can be up to nine clock cycles when Y9 output is high, and the screen displays the corresponding 9th The clock next (tenth), again theY0 production is high and the screen is also 0 Then the cycle repeats.

The outputs of the integrated circuit is CD4017 (IC5 by IC7) connected to inputs of three pins 3 doors N1, N2, N3, and IC8 interior (CD4073). According to the desired code for each transaction unit, the compounds may be prepared according to the outputs of the integrated circuit used in the gate CD4017 and to control the operation of the particular device. For example, if you want the device code are 794, and then connect the output of IC5 Y7, Y9 IC7 IC6 and Y4 doors and N1. The output of gate N1 is connected to the number of the control device through a ULN2003 Darlington mass IC (input pin 2 and outputpin15) DPDT RL1 is. When the relay RL1 energies under the assumption that the switch S5 is turned on, the relay is latched, since it receives the positive supply voltage with the switch and the ground via a contact N / O As soon as a device according to the switch is activated and the appropriate code is chosen properly, it can be done manually by pressing the appropriate button (S5, S6 and S7) to the OFF position to be activated.

Fig: 2
Similar to control other devices, the outputs of gates N2 and N3 connected to the input terminals 3 and 4 ULN2003 relay driver IC, and output terminals 14 and 13 are connected to the relay RL2 and RL3, respectively. External free-wheeling diodes are not required by the relay coil, since they are constructed in the same ULN2003 IC.

The module includes automatic reset. The outputs of the AND gates are connected. Or wired to claim 1 of the integrated circuit ULN2003 Pins using diodes D2 to D4 is Thus, when the output of an AND gate goes high, pin IC9 number too high. Whereby the pin 16 to the low state and RL4 energize which in turn causes the positive supply, the. With the reset line, which extends to all counters CI (IC2 by IC7) When the counter is reset, the output of the AND gate is low and off RL4. Simultaneously, the screen 000 is displayed again, because the counters are reset. Clear counters and display is not restricted to the operation of a device with the blocking action of the relay, as explained above.

Moreover, when the circuit is automatically reset, as explained above, a musical tone is produced for about five seconds, to indicate that the device is switched on. As mentioned above, the pin 16 ULN2003 lowered currently the counter is reset automatically by actuation of the relay RL4. The transition from the top to the bottom of the pin 16 is configured ULN2003 also the trigger pin 2 of IC NE555 timer (IC10), which here passed as monostable 5 seconds. The output is connected to the musical tone IC10 IC UM66 (IC11), which generates a musical tone 5 seconds monostable output pulses.

The code is. Amounts entered via the keys to switch S1, S2 and S3 In cases where an incorrect code is entered, you can back to the correct code to manually reset circuit by pressing the reset switch S4. With manual reset, the system will not produce musical note. During recovery, a logic high level is applied to 15 of the set of counters and counter / controller IC pin seven segments. Under normal circumstances, these contacts are reset to a logic low.

The circuit shows the connection of three units; the codes 794, 969 and 337 have respectively. To operate the device before resetting counter by pressing the button S4, reverse switch S1, so that clock pulses are applied to the pair of IC2 and IC5, and starts counting. Press S1 DIS1 screens seven digits. As well as press the S2 and S3 switches for the second and third position. The other two devices can also function in a similar manner.

To control more devices, just add doors, tables ULN2003 Darlington, relays and switches. Do not forget, all outputs and the door to connect pin 1 IC9 diodes Automatic reset operation. The inputs of the AND gate can also be made to the outputs of the integrated circuit CD4017 obtained terminated with connectors as shown in the diagram of Figure 1. Because these devices are CMOS high-capacity fan-out are (about 50 pieces), each output can be connected with a number of gates without degradation of its performance. Each device is a unique code assigned to 001 to 999 (decimal). To extend the code, you can do this simply by the assemblies. The IC CD4017, CD4033, and a seven-segment display Doors must. Same input (or more) as the number of sets / numbers.

Fig: 3
The actual size of one side of the printed circuit design diagram of Figure 1 is shown in Figure 2. Note that not the circuit board contains C1 and IC9 connected relay/components. They can to the printed circuit, and the general use, the number of devices that can be controlled by the user can be mounted. Required items were been made in BERG-STRIP connections. The arrangement of the components on the printed circuit is shown in Figure 3.