Fully auto reset over and under voltage Cut-Off circuit for home application

Your costly electrical and electronic equipment to be cut over / under voltage to save from the harmful effects of very high and very low mains voltages. 

The circuit has auto reset and utilities readily available components. It makes use of the comparators in Timer IC 555 Power is extracted to achieve a reliable operation of various parts of the power supply circuit of the relay and the control circuit .

 Is held , the utility loop 2 while comparator 1 output ( connected to reset pin R ) is low by shorting pins 5 and 6 of the IC 555 are positive input of the comparator is a two 1/3rd of the voltage Vcc. As a negative input terminal 2 is less positive than 1/3rd VDC, the output of the comparator is high and the two built-in switch = set, its Q output (pin 3) is high. At the same pin 7 is in a high impedance state and the LED is connected to pin 7 is thus turned off. The output ( pin 3) reverses ( goes low) when pin 2 taken positive than 1/3rd of Vcc . At the same time pin 7 goes low ( output Ǭ internal flip- flop is high) and the LED on pin 7 is ON . Both timers (IC1 and IC2) are configured to operate in the same way. PresetVR1 fits under voltage ( eg 160 volts) cut by observing that LED1 is lit only when the offer slightly higher than 160 V AC. 

In this regard, the output on pin 3 0f IC1 is low , the transistor T1 and the OFF state. As a result RESET pin 2 of IC2 remains high as it is connected to Vcc 100 kilo - ohm resistor R4. Preset VR2 is adjusted over voltage (eg 270 V AC) by the observation that only LED2 turns off when the power is cut slightly less than 270V AC . Use the RESET pin 4 of IC2 high, the output pin 3 is also high. As a result, T2 leads and power relay RL1, connecting load on the network via its N / O This is the case when the supply voltage exceeds 160 V AC, but less than 270 V AC .

When the supply voltage exceeds AC 27oV causes output pin 3 of IC2 goes low and T2 cut- relay RL1, in spite of the RESET pin 4 is high. If the supply voltage drops below 160 V AC, 3 - Pin IC1 high and LED1 is turned off. The 3 - pin high performance results of the transistor T1 and reset pin 4 of IC2 are pulled low. Therefore, IC2 output is low and transistor T2 does not conduct. As a result, RL1 is energized, whereby the load is disconnected from the power supply. When the voltage increases over 160 V (but less than 270 V AC) , to the load connected to the power supply for energizing the new relay.

Suitable Power Supply Circuit for Home Application-Output is 12V 12A

Many circuits are printed by various magazines and Blogs. Here is a simple homebrew high-current power supply (PSU). The specialty of this power supply is a very good performance despite minimal use of components. The power supply provides 12V output 12A. Here I added at the input of a noise damping device. RFI filter and do as "conductor" NO FU1211, Switzerland, or equivalent easily available in the market. 2N6320 transistor 2N6321 series or T1 is for this circuit (replacing home test, BD249 transistor with a current rating of 25A) was used. This is a high current, high voltage transistor power dissipation of 300W. Components, including the 14V zener D2, R2, R3 and T2 (SCR BT151 used in my home for testing) are the protection circuit lever bypass AC input voltage and fuse F1 if the height of the 14V DC output voltage crosses.

Figure. 1: Economical high current power supply unit

Use of a heat sink with a sufficient capacity is very helpful. Heat from a cooling fan for the transistor T1 However, a smaller heat sink for the regulator IC 7812th the output diode reverse polarity. All components are commercially available. They can have a transformer with 0-20V AC, Number 15A for the secondary circuit. The SCR 18A should be 200V. The Ferrite (FB) of the base and the output terminals in order to avoid interference. Use a 16A, 200V PIV (peak nominal voltage versa) bridge rectifier followed by a nominal 60V 15000μF rectification and filtering capacitor.

You can use this circuit for applications such as HF and VHF stations use moves. If the current request is, say 19-20A, and requires minor changes in the rated current of the transformer and the bridge rectifier, etc. You can also 2N3773 transistor T1 with two (parallel). The noise filter circuit is connected between the input AC 230V and the transformer shown in Figure 2. However, you can also finished ELCOM noise filter for this purpose. This diet is easy to assemble RF immunity and surge / reverse polarity protection.

General Purpose This power supply is an all-purpose room, which is used to operate QRP transceiver testing RF amplifier and VFO or other general purpose application 2m/70cm how to easels. No external components of a diode and two capacitors need. The power supply is 12 VDC ± 0.25 V at 1.5A max there. The IC SI-3120CA a hybrid controller is 5-pin, drip. With a kind of maximum input voltage (VIN) and 35V power dissipation (PD) of 18 watts The IC has. Several internal protections against over voltage, over current and thermal shields VIN specified 13V to 30V. Your factor is 54dB ripple rejection. No longer need external protection as leverage. The use of a heat sink for the integrated circuit is recommended. You can use a transformer 0-22V AC, 2A secondary number and a 1N4007 diode is diode protection worship.

Figure. 2: General-Purpose power supply unit

Discrete PSU for QRO The QRO transceiver circuit design for PSU (50W) and the linear RF amplifier etc. IC LM396 is a voltage regulator designed to supply high-voltage output current adjustable from 1.25 V to 15 V at currents up to 10A Energy consumption (PD) is 70W. To adjust the output voltage, only two external resistors are required. This circuit does not depend on external capacitor for frequency stabilization. The internal structure of the integrated circuit combines high technology with discrete power transistors monolithic linear IC modern treatment. This combination results provide a high performance controller single chip 10 amps of current. Maximum value of the input voltage is 20 V and ripple rejection is 74dB. The output voltage is determined by the resistor R1 and R2. VOUT = 1.25 (R1 + R2/R1). Transistor T12 is used to control the current. In this circuit, the power loss (PD) is limited to the integrated circuit to 50W. Therefore, we need an external power transistor driver TIP36C transistor is used, and the power consumption is 90W. A current sense resistor (R5) used 0.15Ω. If the current is below 4A, the voltage across R5 is less than 0.6 V, and the transistor in the off state. Voltage regulator works as before. LM396 maintains a constant output voltage and the load current through LM396. When the load current is greater than 4A, the voltage across R5 is greater than 0.6 V and the transistor turns on. The external load transistor used to more additional current of 4A. It is also a circuit because the transistor provides the current value of the load current in excess. The current through LM396 is just over 4A. The external transistor does the rest of the stream. Protection DC output voltage lever with high added value. LED1 VIN terminal voltage indicator is normal. When turned off, the VIN is very low. Capacitor between ADJ and the ground terminal regulator increases the ripple rejection.

Figure. 3: Discrete power supply unit for QRO

Note Test 
Protection diodes to prevent high value capacitors in the output stage of the controller, since the discharge of current weaknesses and damage to the controller. 

How to Improve Your Computer Performance

You can change almost all the components of your PC for optimal performance. Just to see for computer tips and tricks. You can run your hardware faster and more efficiently than usual and that all applications run smoothly on your computer installed with effective resources as possible. This article offers some tips and tricks to reduce, or customize your own hardware and software.

Limits of the Hardware 
There are a number of hardware components, which can optimize the PC in order to improve its performance. Since the most important part of your computer processor, you can begin to solve it. Over time, the term user is familiar often use computer to describe the method for setting the CPU. There are two easy ways to customize your computer CPU. If the device is manufactured in the last four years, you can easily clock the CPU of your computer by your BIOS or UEFI BIOS. With access to the computer BIOS, you should try to find the processor speed of the service, the FSB and PCI clock setting and change their values. If you can not find the settings in the BIOS of the computer, your computer is old. For old PC over clocking can be done on the computer motherboard by changing the jumper. Since different processors have different maximum power, there is no general rule as the CPU clock. You can experiment with different settings until you find the best out of your PC. If you have assigned a specific value for crash the configuration of the clock rate of the processor and the computer does not start correctly, or if you turn it on, the team went through its peak performance. Therefore this value should fall a little, so that the hardware is working. If you can not access the BIOS to reset your settings, you must locate the jumper on the motherboard 3-pin labeled bios reset or Clear CMOS, delete the bridge that connects the first and second axis and attach combine the second and third pin. Some new computer you can optimize the performance of your processor and the graphics card with the embedded applications, which can be accessed after the start.

Refine your software
Refine your software is much simpler and easier to adjust to your hardware. You can third-party applications to change the environment of your computer, change the operating system already installed standalone programs or change the configuration of all applications that are installed on it. There are a variety of third-party programs that you use to do a little work on your PC can do fine tuning. For example you can use TeraCopy to copy files and folders much faster or to extend the life of your laptop battery. Just surfing the internet and most of the time, you can find hundreds of programs that are used can be adapted to devices. You can also use the computer operating system, built by the settings in any application that is installed on your computer when you install your operating system. If you use the Windows operating system, for example, can prevent these log files opened by accessing the Task Bar and Start menu settings or properties of the execution of the automatic its settings through Group Policy (GPEDIT MSC), if you have Windows XP or use your auto play settings in the Control Panel, if you are newer versions of Windows. A number of programs that you have installed on your computer are also independent of function parameters. If you know the hidden functions of all programs installed on your computer, like, you can try to find their hidden features or Easter eggs on the Internet.

Digital Multi Channel locking system with Dedicated Code

The presented circuit is to be controlled, a code-based electronic locking the operation of the plurality of devices. The circuit uses a three decimal encoding for the operation of each device. Select so for each unique device code three-digit numbers 101 to 999. Although this circuit can be used to control up to 999 devices, for reasons of simplicity, the illustrated operation of only three units. Additional devices, if necessary, are provided through connector 10-pin in the circuit connected together. For the operation of each device is a device-specific method for the operation of the shift lever is activated by the device code. Code selection: By three push-to-on switches, conducted each assigned with a specific number the dialed number is displayed in three 7-segment displays for a short time. When selecting a device counter and exhibitors will be automatically restored. However the selection device will be held in engagement by the action of the relay, by means of a pair of its own contacts. A new selection is accompanied by a short musical note. Provision for manual reset counters and displays are also included.

Fig: 1

The circuit consists of a timer 555 (IC1) which is connected as an astable multivibrator with a duty cycle of 50 percent and a clock period of a second. The output of IC1 is used as a counter CD4033 decade cum clock display driver IC (IC2 of IC4) and Johnson-ring against IC CD4017 (IC5 by IC7). In fact, the clock signal is formed by more IC5 pair wise IC2, IC3 and IC4 IC6, IC7 plus more, pressing on the switch S1, S2 and S3 respectively routed. The three groups (each comprising a CD4033, CD4017 and a 7-digit) together independently with the reset pin 15 of the CD4017 CD4033 and integrated circuits. Start only with ring-Y0 integrated circuits (CD4017) is high, while all other outputs (Y1-Y9) are low. At this point, the output of all counters are also CD4033 account, and therefore the screen 000th.

When the first clock pulse reach to all rev CD2033 CD4017 peer applied to high yield Y0 Y1. At the same time the current number CD4033 peers from zero to one and the corresponding seven-segment displays 1 and Is moved for the second clock, high performance Y2, count the number of pairs is increased by one, and CD4033 shows the corresponding second sample The number can be up to nine clock cycles when Y9 output is high, and the screen displays the corresponding 9th The clock next (tenth), again theY0 production is high and the screen is also 0 Then the cycle repeats.

The outputs of the integrated circuit is CD4017 (IC5 by IC7) connected to inputs of three pins 3 doors N1, N2, N3, and IC8 interior (CD4073). According to the desired code for each transaction unit, the compounds may be prepared according to the outputs of the integrated circuit used in the gate CD4017 and to control the operation of the particular device. For example, if you want the device code are 794, and then connect the output of IC5 Y7, Y9 IC7 IC6 and Y4 doors and N1. The output of gate N1 is connected to the number of the control device through a ULN2003 Darlington mass IC (input pin 2 and outputpin15) DPDT RL1 is. When the relay RL1 energies under the assumption that the switch S5 is turned on, the relay is latched, since it receives the positive supply voltage with the switch and the ground via a contact N / O As soon as a device according to the switch is activated and the appropriate code is chosen properly, it can be done manually by pressing the appropriate button (S5, S6 and S7) to the OFF position to be activated.

Fig: 2
Similar to control other devices, the outputs of gates N2 and N3 connected to the input terminals 3 and 4 ULN2003 relay driver IC, and output terminals 14 and 13 are connected to the relay RL2 and RL3, respectively. External free-wheeling diodes are not required by the relay coil, since they are constructed in the same ULN2003 IC.

The module includes automatic reset. The outputs of the AND gates are connected. Or wired to claim 1 of the integrated circuit ULN2003 Pins using diodes D2 to D4 is Thus, when the output of an AND gate goes high, pin IC9 number too high. Whereby the pin 16 to the low state and RL4 energize which in turn causes the positive supply, the. With the reset line, which extends to all counters CI (IC2 by IC7) When the counter is reset, the output of the AND gate is low and off RL4. Simultaneously, the screen 000 is displayed again, because the counters are reset. Clear counters and display is not restricted to the operation of a device with the blocking action of the relay, as explained above.

Moreover, when the circuit is automatically reset, as explained above, a musical tone is produced for about five seconds, to indicate that the device is switched on. As mentioned above, the pin 16 ULN2003 lowered currently the counter is reset automatically by actuation of the relay RL4. The transition from the top to the bottom of the pin 16 is configured ULN2003 also the trigger pin 2 of IC NE555 timer (IC10), which here passed as monostable 5 seconds. The output is connected to the musical tone IC10 IC UM66 (IC11), which generates a musical tone 5 seconds monostable output pulses.

The code is. Amounts entered via the keys to switch S1, S2 and S3 In cases where an incorrect code is entered, you can back to the correct code to manually reset circuit by pressing the reset switch S4. With manual reset, the system will not produce musical note. During recovery, a logic high level is applied to 15 of the set of counters and counter / controller IC pin seven segments. Under normal circumstances, these contacts are reset to a logic low.

The circuit shows the connection of three units; the codes 794, 969 and 337 have respectively. To operate the device before resetting counter by pressing the button S4, reverse switch S1, so that clock pulses are applied to the pair of IC2 and IC5, and starts counting. Press S1 DIS1 screens seven digits. As well as press the S2 and S3 switches for the second and third position. The other two devices can also function in a similar manner.

To control more devices, just add doors, tables ULN2003 Darlington, relays and switches. Do not forget, all outputs and the door to connect pin 1 IC9 diodes Automatic reset operation. The inputs of the AND gate can also be made to the outputs of the integrated circuit CD4017 obtained terminated with connectors as shown in the diagram of Figure 1. Because these devices are CMOS high-capacity fan-out are (about 50 pieces), each output can be connected with a number of gates without degradation of its performance. Each device is a unique code assigned to 001 to 999 (decimal). To extend the code, you can do this simply by the assemblies. The IC CD4017, CD4033, and a seven-segment display Doors must. Same input (or more) as the number of sets / numbers.

Fig: 3
The actual size of one side of the printed circuit design diagram of Figure 1 is shown in Figure 2. Note that not the circuit board contains C1 and IC9 connected relay/components. They can to the printed circuit, and the general use, the number of devices that can be controlled by the user can be mounted. Required items were been made in BERG-STRIP connections. The arrangement of the components on the printed circuit is shown in Figure 3.

Automatic 9-Volt Ni-Cad Battery Charger

automatic 9-volt nicad battery charger, 9 volt batterry charger circuit diagram
Circuit Diagram
Good care of nickel-cadmium batteries for long life. However, they must be handled and loaded with special care. It is therefore important to start downloading Ni-Cad to 1 volt per cell, make sure the battery is empty, and then start charging. Manufacturers recommend a charging current of the capacity of 1:10 for a period of approximately 15 hours without interruption. In fact, learning hard lessons when we switch to the charger for 15 hours and one or more cells within the battery, see forgotten, no longer accept a charge. This is the reason that the circuit is fully automated above.

All you have to do is connect the battery and press "Start". When the flush cycle is completed the latch circuit load for 15 hours. After 15 hours, keep the circuitry of a battery trickle charge "top-up". Before schematic details, I would explain part of the description of the components in the diagram. The descriptions are basis on European grades 120E, 150E, etc. The 'E' is so ohms 120 ohms, 150 ohms. The main circuit HEF specifies the type CMOS integrated circuit which is not easily most of Canada. So easy to make any type of few CMOS chip like the MC4020, MC4011, MC4047, and Motorola. The BC548B irreplaceable with a NTE123AP (PLEASE NOTE: make sure it is the type of "AP" is a completely different NTE123A normal transistor) and works with ECG123AP 2N3904 also. Use correct pin locations from the ECB to the European type can be reversed with ECG956. The type of IC LM317T is TO-220-type and interchangeable or NTE956 with the LM339N by a NTE834 or ECG834 version.

Although this charging circuit looks very impressive and can be a bit tricky, as it certainly is not hard to catch on. The circuit connected to provide DC power source 16.5 to 17.5 volts voltage maximum when the CMOS integrated circuit is defective. Because they want to develop a separate power supply to drive this circuit. I mean dynamic supply is fully adjustable. First connect a (to-be dependent) 9 volt nickel cadmium batteries for proper connections. Then connect it to the mains. During connection of the capacitor 1nFstarts both RS flip-flop of IC1D, IC1C, IC1B, IC1A formed and pulls the pins 3 and 10 "high" and pin 11 and 4 "low". The pulses are given by the free running adjustable multivibrator IC4. Frequency IC4 10uF capacitor, resistor potentiometer 220K and 100K determined. The clock is ticking, but continually behind the counter IC5 mention yet because it is pin 11 (this pin is called master reset) remains high.

If the "START" button is squeezed, the pin 4 high IC1Aand examined TR4, made visible with the red color LED (D9) which remains fixed. NC now discharges through the transistor and resistors 100 ohms. The potentiometer 10 K (right in the figure) is set so that when the actual battery voltage is under recesses 7 volts, the output voltage of the IC3 become low and output Pin 11 is HIGH of IC1A. At this moment also the output pin 10 goes LOW of IC1D, and the red color LED is off. Since 11-pin output raised green color LED (D8) lights at the same time increases the voltage to the battery needs recharging. The load current is decided by the 120 ohms, 150 ohms, 1K potentiometer on the right side of the IC2. In fact, one could use a resistor, but the actual output voltage can distinguish between various brands for the IC2 to about 1.25 volts. Because the load current is divided by the value of resistors, potentiometers can flow to the exact value of one 9 volt nickel-cadmium be adjusted. (In my experiment the type of the battery is 300 mA, so that the charging current is 30 mA (C/0.1) must be adjusted. Simultaneously, the lower the output pin 10 of counter IC1D start the clock. Pin 9 IC5 arrive pulses red color LED lights. This is performance for two reasons; the clock can be adjusted by potentiometer 100K, the correct value and then the red color LED and for the same period last OFF for 6.59 seconds , except for the fact that the green LED shows the charging current can verify that all the time is accurate. When the pulse count (8192 x 6.59 = 53985.28 sec x 60 x60 = 14.99 hours), output pin 3 goes IC5 reached again, turns the transistor TR1 and continues the two counter start position. Charging stops and looks at the trickle charge resistor and diode D2 10K and maintains the battery charge.

The project adjustments are very simple and it nothing to worry about this. Turn potentiometer 10K walker in the direction of resistance, 12K field terminal 10K resistor or the diode D2, like as the adjustment pin of the IC2, a voltage of 7 volts at the terminals of the battery, turn the camera off and now slowly turn the pot backward til the green color LED light comes on. Turn off the device and remove the connections made to fit. Place an ammeter between the output terminal and the battery and insert the new drive. Battery if it is completely empty completely unloaded (at a safe level) and from the edge of 7 volts is reached for the charging cycle. The charging current is set through 1K Potentiometer (connected in series with the resistor in parallel with 150 ohm resistor 120) precisely to the longing value. Addendum: It is highly recommended to keep small 100nF ceramic capacitors in the power supply lines for each IC power CMOS are possible disturbance trivial.